Thursday, October 29, 2009

Steps to Unlocking Your Super Mind Power By Jacob Coroner

Jacob Coroner

The mind is a powerful tool. Most people do not realize just how important our minds are. The mind is involved in creating and destroying things. The mind also has the ability to attract positive and negative thoughts. Our minds are the reason behind innovations and inventions and it is only up to us whether we’d like to explore its full potential or not. However, if you know the secrets to unleashing your super mind power, you will achieve so much more than what you can only imagine in your lifetime.

Here are the steps:
Step 1 – Supply your body, especially your brain with nutrients that would enhance its natural performance. Drink the right amounts of water everyday and consume foods that have the essential nutrients that could strengthen your physical body. Try not to eat junk foods and hydrate yourself regularly.

Step 2 – Include natural supplements into your healthy diet. It is necessary to take food supplements because there are times that our bodies do not get that from the food we eat. Chemicals and pesticides have sometime destabilized the nutrients from the food we buy. This is why food supplements help supply nutrients that are lacking from our food. You need to especially take supplements that would enhance your super mind power and this can be found in vitamins and minerals guaranteed to boost brain activity.

Step 3 – Exercise regularly and keep yourself fit all the time. This would help bring in a rich supply of oxygen into your blood stream that would help your brain’s ultimate performance. A regular walk at the park every morning can actually do the trick. Just keep yourself and your bodies moving. Once you become stagnant, your mind also will begin to function poorly.

Step 4 – Manage your stress and your day-to-day pressures. Stress may be inevitable, but you can certainly work your way around it. Try to allot a specific time for silence and meditation. This could help you regain your focus back to what truly matters and help your body feel relaxed and stress-free. When life seems to be spiraling out of control is usually the sign that you need to take a break, otherwise you loose all sense of reason and your immune system will also deteriorate. Research has proven that the most innovative and creative ideas are generated when the mind is in a relaxed state. So manage your stress and unleash your brain power.

Step 5 –Do some mental workout. This means challenge your brain with mental exercises that you can find in books or the computer. This is naturally programmed to help your mind power increase by stimulating the neurons with new sensory information.

Step 6 – Engage in brainwave training. This is found in stress-reduction programs wherein you are encouraged to teach your brain to think of positive thoughts. It helps clear your mind with the clutter and the noise of our busy worlds and drives us to focus on things that could help us reach our full potentials.

Follow these steps and make your super mind power work to your advantage.


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Something About Happiness - Part 1 By CD Mohatta

CD Mohatta

Happiness is one of the most commonly used words. We all say - the children look so happy. I am very happy today. You don't look happy. Any reason? How to make a happy world? How to avoid sad feelings and feel happy? Which pill can help us? The discussion about happiness is endless. Does science give a common definition of happiness? General answers are available that say that happiness is a state when one feels good, elated, contented, good etc. Is happiness a life long gift or an emotion experienced for a short time.

If I win a lottery, I become happy. As I spend all the money, I become unhappy again. When you call me a good person, I feel happy and when you curse me, I feel very unhappy. If I look at the dead body of my old friend, I feel unhappy and when I look at laughing faces of children I feel happy. We have no control. Outside forces and events control our emotions. We are all toys. That has no free will. This is difficult to believe but true.

Let us find out what is not happiness. Low self esteem, feelings of despondency, sadness, guilt, helplessness, frustration, low interest, uncertainty, and all such negative emotions are not happy emotions. They rather make us unhappy. Now let us talk of what is happiness? Feeling good, cheerful outlook, positive thoughts, winning attitudes, satisfied living, enjoyment, and all such emotions that make us feel good are happy feelings

Is happiness same for all of us? If I give a certain amount to few people, some may become very happy and some may become angry and some will not care either way. Am I making myself clear? So happiness is not something that we feel in equal measure. I may be very happy when I watch the star lit night, but you may enjoy only the bright sunshine. So each one of us has his/her own happiness.

Some of us are happy when we get a large amount of money, some when they can do lot of creative work, some when they can make others feel good and so on. All of us have our unique set of values and desires. We ourselves many times do not know about them. It become difficult therefore to know how to keep others happy and this ignorance causes most of inter personal problems. But these differences in our emotional reactions make us human beings; otherwise we are no different than animals.

Surprisingly, many of us wish to be happy and feel like we don't know what it feels like. We may have been struggling with depression for a long time. We think we will be happy when we find perfect love, or don't have to worry about money, or don't have problems with our family, or if we can only be a success.

These things can help happiness but they aren't really what makes happiness. You could have a great love, money, success, and a loving family and still be depressed. Happiness happens in the 'in between' spaces. It happens in moments when we relax and appreciate the little things. When we are able to find happiness within ourselves and the little moments of the day, it actually makes it much easier to find love, have better relationships, be more successful in our career, and many other things. Please read further in part two of this article series.


Monday, October 26, 2009

How to Take Out Frustration or Anger- Without Hurting Anyone Else By Mike Lang

Mike Lang

Often times one can get so frustrated or angry that all they want to do is smack someone down or pound the wall. This can cause injury to others as well as themselves. There are other things that can be done to ease the frustration and anger that will not cause harm to anyone. Here are a few suggestions.

At the initial onset of frustration or anger, stop and count. If 10 won’t do it count to 100 in a focused manner. This will stop the mind’s urge to do something immediately without thinking and possibly make the situation worse.

If you are with the person causing the frustration or anger move away, get out of there, go somewhere else until you can calm down and reasonably assess the situation. Getting into a fight isn’t going to help anything.

If you are in a car and start to go into a rage, do not act out. You could hurt yourself and worse, hurt or kill an innocent person. Pull to the side of the road until sanity returns.

Now that the initial frustration or anger has been quelled there are some things that you can do to keep it that way. Humans like to dwell on things that bother them instead of letting it go and going on with life. Get that frustration and anger out of your system for good.

Go to the gym and let off some steam. Work out on the machines or find some boxing gloves and knock around a bag. Imagine the person’s face on that bag and punch away. You can’t hurt anyone but yourself this way.

Find a place to go where no one will hear you and nothing is around that can hurt you. Go for a walk in a secluded woods, take a friend if you don’t feel safe enough to go alone. Once you get to where you don’t think anyone can hear you yell. Yell as loud as you can. Scream. Tell that person what you really think of them even though they aren’t there. Let it all go.

Find some friends that understand the situation and go to a paintball court. Rent equipment and understand safety issues that come along with a paintball game. Take out your frustrations on your opponents, being careful not to go overboard of course. Paint ball is fun but it can also alleviate some of your frustrations and anger especially if you imagine the person you are angry at is the hay bale you are shooting at.

Go to the batting cage. Smacking a ball around with a bat really does ease the aggravation you may have. The ball can’t go far because you are in a cage so everything should be safe.

Anything physical will probably do the trick but don’t forget about the mental issues that surround frustration and anger. You need to let the issue or even the person causing your anguish go. Imagine throwing the issues over a big cliff. They are gone and there is nothing more you can do with them. Just be sure you don’t actually push the person causing the issues over that cliff. You don’t want to get yourself in a lot of trouble over a silly issue that can be taken care of in another way.


Let the Naysayers Ruin Their Own Lives By Mark Yarrobino

Mark Yarrobino

One of the most common problems I see - if not the single most common problem - that stops people from pursuing their goals toward a better life comes when they have to deal with the opinions of those around them. Their friends and family.

You see, anytime you try to make a change in your life, something to improve your life, that means that you're going to have to step outside of your comfort zone at some point. And that means doing something that you're not used to doing. Doing something that isn't common.

And that can be a bit frightening.

And it's frightening for the people you know, as well. They're afraid of change, and so they're probably a little scared for your well being, too.

And that's all well and good, but it's often taken way too far. They project their fear of change onto you, and say whatever they have to to keep you from going through with it.

You see, most people don't like change. They don't like for things to be different than what they're used to. They think that anything that's out of the ordinary is 'crazy' or 'weird' or whatever. The only thing that matters is that you fall in line and follow orders.

For some reason, they think that tradition and the status quo are the only way. Well, to that point I call bull shit. The fact is that everything that is traditional was once new, and I'll bet that when it was new back then, there were traditionalists at the time talking about how they don't like that newfangled thingamajig.

So why wouldn't you take a chance on something new? I've written before about how failure is a good thing, and even necessary, as long as you're smart about it. As long as you have a plan for what happens next. As long as you're prepared for both the worst case and the best case scenario.

Another problem that the naysayers have is that they don't much care for anyone else to be successful. There's an intense amount of jealousy out there in the world, and it manifests itself in the form of some folks trying to sabotage anyone else's happiness. Why, I'll never know.

In my opinion, that's just about the worst thing you can do in life. To ruin someone else's dreams because you're too scared to do anything about your own situation, and too jealous to allow it in another.

But, back to you. Why would you let someone else's fear and jealousy turn into your own fear of change? I know that a lot of these people will be close to you, and that you will value their advice. But if you're dealing with the type of person who wants to sabotage your success, then you have to do something about it.

The first thing I recommend doing is showing them your cleverly thought out plan, and letting them know that you're prepared with fallback options should anything go wrong, and that you're also prepared for if things go right.

For example, if you're looking to get into a different line of work, show them that you're updating your resume, speaking with job placement specialists, going on interviews, making sure you get a new job before quitting your old one. Things like that. A schedule, if you will. And for a lot of people, that will convince them.

But if it doesn't, and if they're dead set on sabotaging you no matter what, then I recommend ignoring them, or even cutting them off. At least, on this issue. Because, frankly, what good is it doing you to let them poison your development?

I say that as long as you approach any change intelligently, with a plan for each step, and contingency plans should anything not go exactly right, then you're the most qualified person to make these decisions for yourself. Not anyone else, and especially not anyone who's going to be working against you and trying to put you down.

Let them ruin their own lives. Make yours a success.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

You're Never Done Growing By Mark Yarrobino

Mark Yarrobino

I’ve talked at length in the past about setting realistic goals, and planning each step of your self improvement journey intelligently and carefully, but I think that I’ve failed to mention one very important point that needs to be mentioned. And it’s this: That doesn’t mean that there’s actually a greater end goal.

Oh sure, sometimes there will be smaller to intermediate goals, such as finding a new job, for example. But the grander journey, in actuality, never ends. You’re always going to be growing, if you’re smart about it. And I’m pretty sure you are. And you should always want to learn and grow. And I’m pretty sure you do.

And that’s the point, actually. I don’t want you to get scared off or intimidated by the prospect of having to work on yourself forever, because that’s what you should want to do.

Too often, someone will go through the trouble of trying to improve their life with the idea that they’ll get to a certain point and that’s it. They’re done. But it doesn’t work that way. How could it?

And it really isn’t work in the way most people think.

Think about your own past experiences. And think about how you’ve changed and grown over the years due to everything you’ve seen and done, and your encounters with others. Think of all of the people you’ve met who have made an impact on your life, and therefore altered your development for the better.

Why would you want that to end?

The truth is, it won’t. Unless you become a hermit or something like that. Otherwise, you’ll always meet new people and experience new things. And that means that you will always continue to develop.

Once again, I’ll use my kung fu training as an example. We get some new students every now and then who think that they’re supposed to put in a certain amount of time, or a certain number of years, and then they will have completed their kung fu training, and know all there is to know. Then, I guess, they’re expecting to move on to something else and master that, too. Those people always seem to be in a hurry. They want to load as many achievements under their belt as they can in as little time as they can. And they usually quit before achieving any of them, as a result.

Once again, it doesn’t work that way. We have a saying that roughly says that once you get your black belt, that’s when you start learning. I may have reached the sifu (instructor) level, but I’m still learning. And my sifu, he’s still learning, too. And his sifu is still learning, too.

And that’s really the point of it. If you accept that you’ll be learning for the rest of your life, then you come to realize that there is no hurry. And you become more patient, and so you stay with it and continue to improve.

Well, the same is true of your personal development. When you come to realize that there’s no hurry, and that you can always make improvements, and learn and change, then you naturally calm down, relieve a whole lot of stress, live more peacefully, and continue to grow.

Yes, you can have goals, and you can achieve them. I’ve always said that, and I encourage it. But you can also always change and grow if you’re smart and pay attention, and if you do it with the right perspective and state of mind. I encourage that, too.

Besides, you’ve got an average of 70-80 years on this planet. What are you going to do with all that time if you’ve “finished” everything already, anyway?


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Learn to Let Go - Part 2 By CD Mohatta

CD Mohatta

As we grow up, it becomes necessary to learn to let go of many things that we have taken on during our life. In Learn To Let Go - Part One we explored the main things that happen to us as we grow up and experience life. We lose family members who move or die; we start to collect memories and memorabilia; we begin to suffer mental, physical, and emotional illnesses; we have addictions and depression and learn about toxic, negative people; we see and experience abuse and sometimes our egos get in our way. To live life again, we need to re-evaluate what is really important to us and begin to get rid of the unimportant things.


This leads us to letting go of loved ones, not by death but by distance. If a child moves out of the family house to go to school, get married or start their own life, it is an unmistakable pain that is hard to get rid of. If a parent moves out of state after retirement, we feel abandoned and question why they had to go. Never thinking that it might be good for them, or cheaper or even better climate, we add that to out baggage. If a grandchild, a child of our dead son or daughter moves out of our home and into their own home, we again feel abandoned. We need to let go of loved ones who have a life of their on and are not making changes to hurt us but to better their own lives.


There are many types of prejudice in this world and each one is a different size and color baggage, but certainly, each one hinders your success. There are racial, sexual and spiritual prejudices. They are ideas that you struggle with and they take your concentration and your energy, so it is important to learn to let go of those prejudices.


Things in our past can trigger emotions that make another piece of baggage. Past disappointments trigger emotions of failure. They make us feel as though we fell short of depending on our self. By holding onto disappointments, we can hurt our self-esteem and lower our capacity to improve ourselves. It is also very important to let go of disappointments.


The biggest baggage many people have are old unused objects. They can be anything from knick-knacks and broken things to old clothes and outgrown things. When you have so many things to move to just dust, it is probably time to let go of some of the 'junk'. Certainly any old broken objects, which you planned on fixing some day, need to trashed or donated for others to fix. Old, unused clothes that have not been worn in one year, needs to discarded. In an article titled 'How to De-Clutter', you can see many ideas on getting rid of material possessions.

Look at a rich man. Most of them keep accumulating. They have many houses and many cars. What do they do with them? Only they know why they need so much. Rare amongst the rich give away all they possess to needy. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are recent examples. Other wealthy persons keep accumulating till the end of their life but have no happiness of mind. Is such accumulation of any use? We earn money and buy things to get peace. The end is not money but peace and comfort.

We have all faced periods in our life where we need to learn to let go. In Learn To Let Go - Part Three, we will continue our exploration of the things that we need to learn are not important. We can begin learning to let go.


Friday, October 23, 2009

Psychic Development, Intuition and the Inner Voice By Philippe Byske

Philippe Byske

Many people have the mistaken belief that some people are psychic and some people are not. Really, however, we all have some degree of psychic ability. The difference in those who we consider 'psychic' and those we consider 'non psychic' has much more to do with how willing to trust their intuition they are.

Many people feel that they have intuitive abilities and acknowledge this sometimes, perhaps through an incident of synchronicity, or unexplained coincidence. Using your intuition involves trusting the information you receive that way. It is, on a more comprehensive level, 'just knowing' something and trusting it despite not knowing how you know.

Psychics may go for years will the inkling that they are 'a little bit' psychic without knowing that they can develop that intuitive sense for the benefit of themselves and others. Those seemingly random psychic experiences are clues that we have these abilities. It is up to us to learn to trust them and learn not to block them.

My own first psychic experience happened when I was a young adolescent. I was terrified to stay home alone because of recent news about the kidnapping of a girl my age, but that summer while I was out of school, I had to stay home by myself while my parents worked.

One day I walked into the garage on my way to the mailbox, and as I shut the door behind me, I realized that I had left it locked and I was locked out of the house. It may not seem like a big deal, but I was terrified. I jiggled the doorknob, tried to turn it, but it was hopeless. I was locked out, and I would have to wait in the garage or outside until one of my parents came home.

Then, 'something' told me to try the door again. 'Yeah, right,' I thought. But I did it, and the door was unlocked. It could only have come from a plane other than the physical world in which we live.

The chakras of the body are energy centers that allow us to process information from the physical and spiritual world around us. The ability to feel energy, or clairsentience, belongs to the second chakra, just below the navel. Have you ever had a 'gut feeling' that something was wrong? You were processing that information through the second chakra, and it is valuable information.

The fifth chakra is located at the base of the throat, and it is the ability to hear information. This 'inner dialog' is how we receive and process 'clairaudient' information. This is the sense that told me to try to open the door one more time that day.

Processing information through the seventh chakra is when you 'just know' something. This chakra is located on top of the head. Have you, or someone close to you ever just blurted out something from nowhere that happened to be very insightful? It probably reached him or her through the seventh chakra.

The key to developing our psychic abilities is to learn to trust the knowledge that we don't know how we acquired. It is a collection of experiences that builds over time and can't really be forced. We all have psychic abilities to some extent, and we all have the ability to make the best use of our psychic abilities if we will practice and learn.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Power of Subconscious Mind By Jacob Coroner

Jacob Coroner

Consciousness is the awareness when we do a particular act such as thinking, feeling or simply doing chores or an errand. A person’s reaction while being awake or up is a sign of consciousness. This reaction is known as the conscious mind. Our ability to process external information is quite limited regardless of the word multitasking, a person can only process so much at a particular time. The process that limits the amount of information that our brain is taking in is called selective attention. We tend to only remember what we want to remember or we only pay much attention to what is important for us. The opposite meaning of conscious is subconscious. The power of subconscious mind is sometimes stronger compared to conscious mind.

All of us have a conscious mind. However, our everyday behavior and/or routines fall under a preconscious level. A perfect example is when you drive to the office. Since you have been doing this for quite a while now, most of your actions are already automatic. When a person has been consistently doing a certain act for a very long period of time, the act will fall to subconscious thinking. However the bustling sound or a loud horn might bring the driver back to the consciousness state. Reaction that falls under the power of subconscious mind are reactions that are performed unconsciously or automatically without the permission of our conscious mind. Most reaction associated with the power of subconscious mind are anger, jealousy, lust and even the desire to do bad things that will harm yourself or other people. Subconscious state sometimes makes people do crazy things because it is mostly emotional based feeling. Reaction under subconscious mind is sometimes hard to suppress and it will take much effort to put your conscious state back. That is why it is important to take a step back when you are really mad. This is to avoid the wrong way of thinking and the wrong doings. The powers of both conscious and subconscious mind are powerful but they also work together side by side. This mind power affects our daily act and daily performance. Since it is hard for us human to always be in conscious, just try your best to be alert at all times. The performance that is greatly affected by these two factors is our decision making. It includes the food that we want to eat during meal time, what clothes and shoes to wear, the mood swings and the attitude that we show or project to other people.

Conscious and subconscious are similar to plants. It works both ways. Fertile soil represents the power of subconscious mind. This side of the mind is compared to a fertile soil because it is simply there and you don’t need to look for it. The seed represents the conscious side of the mind. A person who plans to lodge plants will have to choose the right seed or the kind of seed hat he/ she needs and wants. Seed is also known as the conscious side of mind power because it is up to the people who plant it to also grow it properly. These are like bad habits that had been there in our system for quite a while. It tends to show up every now and then without us noticing.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Power of Subconscious Mind By Jacob Coroner

Jacob Coroner

Consciousness is the awareness when we do a particular act such as thinking, feeling or simply doing chores or an errand. A person’s reaction while being awake or up is a sign of consciousness. This reaction is known as the conscious mind. Our ability to process external information is quite limited regardless of the word multitasking, a person can only process so much at a particular time. The process that limits the amount of information that our brain is taking in is called selective attention. We tend to only remember what we want to remember or we only pay much attention to what is important for us. The opposite meaning of conscious is subconscious. The power of subconscious mind is sometimes stronger compared to conscious mind.

All of us have a conscious mind. However, our everyday behavior and/or routines fall under a preconscious level. A perfect example is when you drive to the office. Since you have been doing this for quite a while now, most of your actions are already automatic. When a person has been consistently doing a certain act for a very long period of time, the act will fall to subconscious thinking. However the bustling sound or a loud horn might bring the driver back to the consciousness state. Reaction that falls under the power of subconscious mind are reactions that are performed unconsciously or automatically without the permission of our conscious mind. Most reaction associated with the power of subconscious mind are anger, jealousy, lust and even the desire to do bad things that will harm yourself or other people. Subconscious state sometimes makes people do crazy things because it is mostly emotional based feeling. Reaction under subconscious mind is sometimes hard to suppress and it will take much effort to put your conscious state back. That is why it is important to take a step back when you are really mad. This is to avoid the wrong way of thinking and the wrong doings. The powers of both conscious and subconscious mind are powerful but they also work together side by side. This mind power affects our daily act and daily performance. Since it is hard for us human to always be in conscious, just try your best to be alert at all times. The performance that is greatly affected by these two factors is our decision making. It includes the food that we want to eat during meal time, what clothes and shoes to wear, the mood swings and the attitude that we show or project to other people.

Conscious and subconscious are similar to plants. It works both ways. Fertile soil represents the power of subconscious mind. This side of the mind is compared to a fertile soil because it is simply there and you don’t need to look for it. The seed represents the conscious side of the mind. A person who plans to lodge plants will have to choose the right seed or the kind of seed hat he/ she needs and wants. Seed is also known as the conscious side of mind power because it is up to the people who plant it to also grow it properly. These are like bad habits that had been there in our system for quite a while. It tends to show up every now and then without us noticing.


The Seven Words Which Can Change Your Life By Daniel Herzner

Daniel Herzner

When you look into your future, what do you see? Do you have a clear vision of where your life is heading? If you know where it is you wish to go, odds are you will get there. However, if you have no idea of where it is you're going, it is certain that you will get there.

The great personal trainer Zig Ziglar put it this way: Zig said that he can take the most accurate archery expert in the world and inside of just a few minutes, he'd have anybody shooting arrows with much greater accuracy than the archer. Of course, he'd have to first blindfold the archer and spin him around three or four times so the guy would have no idea where the target was located.

Zig's point is, how can anybody possibly hit a target which they can't see. If you're hoping to get more out of life but you do not have a clear vision of what it is you want, how in the world do you expect to get there?

Some people call it goal setting while others refer to it as 'keep your eyes on the prize'. Regardless of how it's referenced, it is of critical importance to your long term success that you know where it is you wish to go.

Once you do have a clear vision of where you'd like to be, you can then reverse engineer the path to take in order to get there. It is always easier and more efficient to figure out where you're going and then work backwards on the steps necessary to get there.

Here, I'll give you a perfect example. I happened to be watching the 2008 summer Olympics hosted by Beijing, China. One of the events I caught was the marathon; a 26 mile run which concluded in the main track and field arena. After running 25.75 miles the runners entered the arena, did a full lap around the track and crossed the finish line. Crossing that finish line marked the conclusion of a 26 mile race.

Now, do you think the Olympic committee randomly picked a starting point at some distance from the arena and held out hope that the route chosen would somehow work out to 26 miles? Or, do you suppose they started at the finish line inside the arena, which included a single lap around the track, and worked their way backwards to find their precise starting point?

Obviously, mapping out a 26 mile marathon would've been impossible unless the Olympic committee started at the end and worked their way backwards to find the starting point. Let this serve as a metaphor for what you can do to reach your desired destinations in life.

It's also important to remind you that taking action to reach your envisioned target is key. Take action now, start today. What good is having your vision and reverse engineering the steps necessary to get there if those steps aren't actually taken.

You've read this article because you were promised 7 life changing words. Well, here they are: start now with the end in mind. If you do this, if you take action starting today, right now, with your ultimate vision in mind then you will have no choice but to achieve the life you desire and deserve. This I can promise you.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fight Fear By A. Majid

A. Majid

Fear paralyzes. Fear debilitates. And fear can prevent you from achieving your full potentials.

Fear is a potent human emotion and contrary to what many believe, it s a matter of the head and not the mind. Fear is a triggered when a small almond shaped organ sitting deep in the centre of your brain, the amygdala , releases a large amount of adrenaline and cortisol to the blood stream. The sudden gush of these two powerful chemical has an immediate effect to the body’s central nervous system. Heart beat and blood pressure increases. The pupil dilates to take in more light. The body’s muscles tighten. All this response, popularly known as the “fight or flee”, is in-built, natural and has kept the human species alive for centuries.

The human race, starting out in the plains of east Africa tens of thousands years ago faced real danger. They had every reason to fear ending up as lunch or dinner of some wild beast. Danger was ever present. Being hunter-gatherers every endeavor was risky. They neither had the tools nor the time to do statistical study of risk. They did not have board meetings to discuss their fears. They did not hire consultants to manage their risks. They developed an automatic response to fear and that response being constructive had been passed through the ages to the modern man.

If you are reading this, the chances that you hunt with spears for your lunch are nil. We do not fear being eaten by a lion when we go the office’s cafeteria for lunch. Some real, some imagined and all robs us from life's joy.
Researchers have found that there are only three in-built fears in humans; the fear of falling down, fear of loud noises and fear of snakes. These three fears are hard-wired to us. The others are learned and/or fed to us by fear merchants.

Open the newspaper today and there pages and pages of news to scare us. The recent reporting of A(H1N1) flu virus is a good example. While the dangers of the virus are real, it is now being reported as an endemic capable to wipe the human race out of existence. Years before this was the avian flu, mad cow disease, West Nile virus, herpes and the list goes on and on. Switch on the TV and what you get. More often than not there are images that trigger fear flashing in front of our eyes. Why is this so?

Fear sells.

Despite living in an era where the life expectancies are higher than before, where every nation has shown progress, where many diseases that cause death, i.e. smallpox and measles are almost eradicated, we are more afraid than ever before.

We fear almost everything, from breakfast (which we suspect might contain cancer inducing chemicals) to being hit by an asteroid. While totally eliminating fear from our lives is not only impossible but potentially hazardous, we must manage it.

Fear unchecked is fear fed. To live a life that allows us to be all that we can be, we must manage our fears. There are many ways we can learn to do this and a simple and effective way is keeping a positive state of mind.


Monday, October 19, 2009

A Neuro-Linguistic Programming Overview of Basic Concepts and NLP Introduction By Gregg Osbourn

Gregg Osbourn

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was initially created in 1975 by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, who began modeling and duplicating the 'magical results' of a few top communicators and therapists. Since then, many others have contributed to the growth and development of the field. NLP is a method that teaches you the words, phrases and patterns that all human beings use to interpret reality. Using this new language, you will dissolve your acquaintance's reality before their eyes and create a new one instantly. NLP is a behavioral technology. It is used to develop an understanding of how people make meaning of their experience.

Neuro-linguistic programming is defined as the study of the structure of subjective experience and what can be calculated from that and is predicated upon the belief that all behavior has structure. They were some of the people who's linguistic and behavioral patterns Richard Bandler built formal models of. Neuro-linguistic programming is the systemic study of human communication and how we create our reality. It is also the study of exceptional talent: how outstanding individuals get their results.

Neuro-linguistic programming helps people pay attention to information they habitually ignore that might actually improve their situation. By enlarging and modifying our maps of the world, we can live more fulfilling lives. Neurolinguistic programming is a system that uses the language of the mind to achieve our specific and desired outcomes consistently. Our nervous systems (neuro) experience the world around us through our five senses:

1. visual (V),
2. auditory (A),
3. kinaesthetic (K-touch),
4. olfactory (O),
5. gustatory (G).

Neuro-linguistic programming is purported to provide tools for better communication with others and ourselves. The tools are developed by modeling them after the internal experience and external behavior of those who are particularly good at something - whether it be learning more efficiently, establishing trusting and loving relationships or getting over phobias quickly. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) stresses the importance of moving towards those things you want. Without outcomes life becomes a process of wandering aimlessly.

NLP is a name that encompasses the three most influential components involved in producing human experience: neurology, language and programming. The neurological system regulates how our bodies function, language determines how we interface and communicate with other people and our programming determines the kinds of models of the world we create. NLP is a competitor with Landmark Forum , Tony Robbins , and legions of other enterprises which, like the Sophists of ancient Greece , travel from town to town to teach their wisdom for a fee. Robbins is probably the most successful 'graduate' of NLP.

NLP is the science of studying patterns of excellence in the world's most successful people — identifying the processes that produced such amazing results — and then 're–programming' the software of the human mind to replicate these successes. Without NLP, your coaching effectiveness will be limited by what our society believes is possible. NLP therapists will tell you that if what you're doing isn't working, you should try something else that will work for you. Every person is different. NLP is also used by many for self development.
